Terms of Reference
- Hold a forum in May 2010 to create an opportunity for organisations working in the domestic violence sector to provide input into the joint Australian Law Reform Commission and NSW Law Reform Commission Family Violence Inquiry
- Draft a letter for signature by NLAF Chair to the Commonwealth Attorney General and the NSW Premier to offer NLAF input into relevant initiatives such as the Commonwealth National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and the NSW Domestic and Family Violence Strategic Framework.
- Suggest to the Chief Magistrate’s Office that court documents relating to ADVOs be amended to include information, addressed to victims of domestic violence, about what to do if an ADVO is breached.
- Prepare a document of the best available CLE resources and promote this to service providers.
- Meet with representatives of peak NGOs to discuss how legal services can work more effectively with non-legal services to assist victims of domestic violence, particularly in the areas of referral pathways and training about legal issues