Domestic Violence Resources
Family Violence Specialist Courts - NSW Parliamentary E-brief |
Safe at Home Safe at WorkThis website brings together a collection of resources developed as part of the Domestic Violence Workplace Rights & Entitlements Project to address the impact of domestic violence in the workplace and promote domestic violence entitlements through enterprise bargaining. |
Education Centre Against Violence |
ALRC Family Violence Inquiry 2010The Inquiry considered the interaction in practice of state and territory family and domestic violence and child protection laws with the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) and relevant Commonwealth, state and territory criminal laws. The Full ALRC Report and summary report are available on the ALRC website. |
Australian Domestic Violence ClearinghouseThe Clearinghouse is a National organisation providing information about domestic and family violence issues and practice. The Clearinghouse distributes newsletters and papers on key issues, policy, legislation, training and new initiatives. The Clearinghouse also maintains a library of research and resources and an online database of good practice programs and resources. |
AVERT Family ViolenceMultidisciplinary family violence training package. |