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Closing the Gap

The Closing The Gap Working Group aims to support the work of the Aboriginal Legal Service of NSW/ACT within the capacity of NLAF and its members to advance the four justice targets relating to the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. 

The current ‘justice’ targets are as follows:

  • Reducing the rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults held in incarceration

    by 15%, by 2031.

  • Reducing the rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people (10-17) held

    in incarceration by 30% by 2031.

  • Reducing the rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out of home

    care by 45%, by 2031.

  • The violence and abuse towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and

    children target is currently being developed however has been signed off as a 50% reduction towards zero by 2030


Jonathon Huynor, Public Interest Advocacy Centre 

Term of operation:

July 2021 –

Terms of Reference